Mini Biosphere for Plattenbaum

A self-sufficient greenhouse for underused public space

Plattenbaum UG develops different infrastructures for urban farming with an emphasis on bringing food production close to home. I was invited by the company to design and build The “Mini Biosphere”, a prototype for a semi self-sufficient greenhouse to be placed in underused public spaces. It was first mounted on a trailer, to be used in Tegel airport by one of its current residents .Gut. Then, it was transported to the city of Remich, Luxemburg, who purchased it and is now using it as an educational community project. Collaborating with me was carpenter Finn Fukas. 

The unit is designed to grow vegetables and herbs all year long. It collects rain water and through a filtering and an automatic irrigation system, it waters the plants. With two composters operating as heating elements, and a ventilation system of vents and windows, it keeps a carbon-neutral climate that is suitable to cultivate different types of growings. A solar panel and battery enables the Mini-Biosphere to be positioned anywhere, independant from the electric city grid if needed. 

A double floor structure frees the unit of the need for foundations, as the cavities are filled with gravel after transportation.